Mercury Is In Capricorn

and It’s Time for its final dance to Reflect On 2020 ending and embrace 2021 new episodes!

I have always cherished the Christmas and New Year’s Seasons. It gives me the feel of warmth and makes me want more to connect with people. I would create any scenario to live the beauty of its magical vibration, whether I travel, or arrange for a social gathering in my house, or be involved with events and parties… whatever it takes and may be handy to reach… I would imagine that I might be the first to start placing my Christmas Tree and the last to remove it after I truly live the different experiences of its possible celebrations and closing the season with my Birthday on January 5th…

Now you know the connection to this article title and related link I am sharing here. I am a Capricorn…! incredibly deep in my thoughts and feelings, extremely focused, connected to nature and planet. Targeted in every step I do, business mind since my early life stages. Firm in my actions seeking perfection, which employed most of my energy throughout my life stages until I realized that its more fun to ease on things and thus the universe has prepared me thoroughly to step into the World of Yoga.

Hope the contents of the provided link would be interesting you as well… Enjoy 😊


School bus


Pursue Happiness